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Join a growing network of professionals, volunteers, and nonprofessionals dedicated to sharing information, methodologies, and ideas related to the practice of paleontology.

Receive newsletters, access to abstract books and proceedings publications of the Annual Meeting. Contribute to AMMP blogs, forums and events. Participate in the development in AMMP. Join a committee and volunteer your time. 

Regular Membership ($35 annually)

Consists of those persons having an appreciation of and a genuine interest in furthering the objectives of AMMP. All Regular Members in good standing have the following rights:

  1. Vote in annual elections of board members. 
  2. Hold office.
  3. Submit nominations for awards.
  4. Submit requests for amendments to the Constitution.
  5. Serve on committees and sit as committee chair.

Applicants become Regular Members upon application submitted and full payment of dues.*

*Please allow up to 5 business days, not including bank holidays, for approval to be processed if paying by check. Membership paid by credit card are approved immediately.


Please consider making a tax deductible contribution to help support AMMP. Your generous donation helps to offset the operating costs of the Association. Our General Fund keeps the lights on, covering items like domain registration, web hosting, and insurance, while Awards and Student Travel funds help to recognize and support our members throughout the year. Click Here

Honorary Membership

Consists of persons AMMP deems worthy of honoring based on documentation of outstanding methodological work in the field of paleontology and/or outstanding assistance in helping the Association achieve its objectives. Recipients of the William W. Amaral Legacy Award are automatically entered as Honorary Members.


Honorary Membership is a lifetime membership having all the privileges and responsibilities of membership, which were heretofore enjoyed, but exempt from the further payment of dues. 


Regular - $35.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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Association for Materials and Methods in Paleontology

Established 2014

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