AMMP Service Award

This award was established in 2016 to recognize outstanding service to the Association above and beyond normal contributions expected of members. Awardees are selected by the Board of Directors based on nominations submitted to the Awards Committee by members in good standing.

The AMMP Service Award is presented to both acknowledge members that have made significant contributions, and encourage others to actively participate in promoting the AMMP's mission. 

Award Nomination & Presentation Procedures

Any member in good standing can nominate a member for the award. Nominations will be accepted at any time. Deadline for award year is March 1st annually. 

To make a nomination, please submit a formal letter of nomination with details of significant contributions and service to the Awards Committee.

Please submit nominations and direct questions to


2023 Matthew Miller

          Patrick Wilson

2021 Shane Tucker

2019 Conni O'Connor

2018 Marilyn Fox

2017 Alan Zdinak

2016 Lisa Herzog

Association for Materials and Methods in Paleontology

Established 2014

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